Thursday, April 24, 2003

Linus is OK with DRM

[Note - this is an archived version of the original posting from 01:10 PM EDT, Apr 24 2003]

There's a great discussion on Slashdot this morning about Linus Torvalds approving Linux kernel support for DRM.

Linus writes: "I want to make it clear that DRM is perfectly ok with Linux! There, I've said it. I'm out of the closet. So bring it on..."

Linus seems to be motivated primarily by respect for decisions made by others. What a refreshing viewpoint in an online community which too often demands that people not be allowed to make the decision to use DRM, or TCPA, or Palladium! People should be free to use whatever technology they want, whether personal encryption or trusted computing. And that freedom applies equally to end users, to artists, and to publishers and distributors.

That's Unlimited Freedom. And that's why I'm writing.


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